Friday 8 May 2015

Me, myself and...

Ideally, this should have been my first post in this page. But when I started writing, I realized that it's easier to write a travelogue than write something about myself.

About myself? Really? Sounds like the most dreaded interview question isn't it? And it is. The toughest thing to explain. Countless number of times did I type and delete this paragraph !! A mother, a professional in an IT company, a homemaker, it is quite a manic life. But inspite of all the rush, I somehow manage to notice the gulmohar blooming at the corner of the street or make some paper boats with my son to sail them in the small puddle after the rain. I am the "interested in all" kind!! From cooking to traveling, reading to photography, baking to gardening, I love it all.

Blogging is the newest addition in my ever growing list of interest. Almost halfway through my life, I thought that it wont be a bad idea to start my own blog. But the question is about what? Travelogue? Food blogging? Life at large? Finally I decided that I cannot stick to one thing. So this blog will be my experiences, as and when I feel like documenting them.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

A fun day out !!

I think long weekends make us a little restless. Though we feel happy that we do not need to go to work, but we are at a loss about what we should do at home too. We are so tied up in this routine that the moment there is a change to it, we are lost. One such weekend was the last one, Friday being labour day was holiday for most of us, we decided to make a day's trip outside Bangalore. After a lot of various choices of where to go, we decided on the Jaladhama resort in Talakkad.

We started from Bangalore at 5:30 AM. A total of 9 people with 6 adults and 3 kids. Leaving Bangalore we took NICE road and then went through Kanakpura. The long twinning road seemed never ending when suddenly the road ended on the bank of a river. We parked our cars at the river bank and had to cross the river. On the other side of the rive was the resort Jaladhama. The excitement among the kids on the mere thought of riding on a speed boat was something amazing and to be treasured forever !!

 The group before crossing the river
 View of the river from the boat!!

The approach of the resort was nice. Lined with bamboo and other trees it gave a nice misty look. However, the maintenance was not that great. The room given to us to keep our luggage and for changing was also not properly kept. But we didn't pay much heed to that as we were there on a day trip and did not intend to stay.

After dumping our bags, we went out for a boating ride. As there were 9 of us in total, we took 2 pedal boats. 6 in one and my hubby, me and my kiddo in the other. My little one, declared himself as the captain of that boat and wanted to pedal. We had to concentrate more on him than on navigating the boat. So most of the time we stayed at one place in the middle of the river. The situation was the same in the other boat too. They had two kids there !! But the view was amazing. Only water and water all around. One side was our resort covered with trees, on the other side was the road leading to Chennai.

 The pathway in the resort
 Kids enjoying the trampoline

After about an hour in the boat we came back and engaged in various outdoor games. Basketball, badminton etc. The kids were happy jumping in the trampoline. They never got tired. The blazing sun, the scorching heat, nothing could tire them. They were happy playing and jumping. 

Lunch was served at 1:00 PM. The menu was decent and the taste of the food was really nice. We gulped our food down and then headed towards the most amazing and most awaited event of the day. The poooooooollll !!!!

We jumped in the pool around 2:00 PM and stayed there for 2 long hours. Everyone was brushing their swimming skills. Expert or not, they were just lost in their own world trying to swim. The kids stole the show here as well. With their floaters on, they were climbing the side of the pool and jumping into the water. Oh what fun was it !!

Around 4 when we finally decided to move out of the pool because the pool was getting too crowded, we were completely sloshed. There was no strength in us to even get up and dry our clothes. Somehow we picked ourselves up and had the evening tea they had to offer, crossed the river and got back in our cars. 

It was a long 4 hour journey back home, though tired, we were all happy that the day was well spent, in god company and lots of fun !!

 Boat Ride