Friday 8 May 2015

Me, myself and...

Ideally, this should have been my first post in this page. But when I started writing, I realized that it's easier to write a travelogue than write something about myself.

About myself? Really? Sounds like the most dreaded interview question isn't it? And it is. The toughest thing to explain. Countless number of times did I type and delete this paragraph !! A mother, a professional in an IT company, a homemaker, it is quite a manic life. But inspite of all the rush, I somehow manage to notice the gulmohar blooming at the corner of the street or make some paper boats with my son to sail them in the small puddle after the rain. I am the "interested in all" kind!! From cooking to traveling, reading to photography, baking to gardening, I love it all.

Blogging is the newest addition in my ever growing list of interest. Almost halfway through my life, I thought that it wont be a bad idea to start my own blog. But the question is about what? Travelogue? Food blogging? Life at large? Finally I decided that I cannot stick to one thing. So this blog will be my experiences, as and when I feel like documenting them.

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